Redevelopment PMCDeveloper selection
Developer selection as per Notification
After appointment of Mangurdekar & Associates as Architect/PMC, the selection of the Developer will be as per following steps:
- Consent of members for redevelopment.
- Survey of the Society building and the premises.
- Documents such as title deeds, PR Card, copy of approved plans of existing building/s, etc. shall be required.
- The applicable FSI, TDR rules and constraints and applicable rules of MHADA, BMC, etc will be studied.
- Project Report will be prepared on the basis of above information along with Advocate if required and various suggestions/ recommendations received from the members regarding residential, commercial area, open spaces, development, etc.
- If Society desires, Mangurdekar & Associates will prepare the plan within 2 months of the appointment (additional fees applicable) and submit it to the Management Committee.
- A copy of Project Report will be kept at the Society office for inspection of the members. For preparation of tender Mangurdekar & Associates will finalize all the technical points and the single point of either carpet area or corpus fund will be the determining factor all others being kept constant.
- Tender documents will be issued to interested Developers.
- In a Special Meeting of the MC, authorized representative of the tenderers and members who want to attend the meeting as observers, the received tenders will be opened in front of everybody. Mangurdekar & Associates will scrutinize the tenders received and prepare a comparative chart. The criteria for evaluation will be qualification, expertise, standing in the market and the rates.
- Further, for General Body Meeting an authorised official will be deputed for the meeting by the Registrar of the Society. This SGBM will be video recorded. For this meeting no other person apart from official members of the society will be allowed to attend. All the members will have to be present with their identification cards.
Following points will be specifically included in the contract to be entered with the Developer:
- The period for redevelopment
- Bank Guarantee/ Interest free deposit by the Developer.
- Alternative accommodation to members in nearby locations or rent / deposit acceptable to the members.
- The above contract will be registered under Registration Act of 1908.
- New members will be admitted to the Society only after the redevelopment project is over and as and when ratified by the General Body.
- Clear statement of the carpet area to be provided.
- The development rights accorded to the Developer by the contract will be non-transferable.
- Only after all the legal clearances are in place the members will release their current tenement.
- The allotment of flats in the redeveloped building will be to the extent possible as per the current location/floor of the flat. In case it is necessary to resort to drawing of lots, then after the building is complete and the occupation certificate is received, such draw of lots to be arranged and the same shall be video recorded in presence of authorised representative of the Registrar. The building plans approved by BMC to be presented to the General Body for information and in case any member wants a copy of the same then Management Committee to provide this for a fee.